Day 3 - North Hero SP to Grande Isle SP
Last night, after a noisy start, things quieted down at 10pm sharp, and I went out pretty quickly. Up at 6:30, after the best sleep so far. Packed up everything inside the tent, so I could make a hasty exit later and avoid the bugs as much as possible. Headed out toward Isle La Motte around 7:30. Stopped for an apple pie at a corner store, then off to the Isle. Nice cycling around the island, nice waterfront views, but nothing in particular of interest. Stopped at St Ann Shrine, where nothing was open yet (travel info, restrooms, cafeteria, etc).
Cooling down sitting at the beach and getting organized in my head for what's going to happen next. 28 miles so far today, then another 17 or so to Grande Isle. Hope to find a laundromat somewhere today. Will also call Karl and see what the chances are of getting together on Thursday in Burlington. Back to Crown Point and home now on Friday.
(LATER) Stopped here in North Hero for a big sandwich and a break. Met a group of 16 AYH bikers heading north from NYC to Montreal - 13th day on the road, with 3 more to go. No laundromats on the islands in the direction I'm headed, unless I go further to South Hero and a private campground. Will let it go for today, and see what Thursday brings. Will try to update again from South Hero tomorrow.
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