Day 2 - Ausable Chasm, NY, to North Hero SP, VT
NORTH HERO, VT - Had dinner last night at McLean's Family Restaurant in Keeseville, a typical local diner sort of place. Stopped on the NY9 bridge over Ausable Chasm on the way back and got a picture, the usual postcard shot of the upper falls into the beginning of the chasm.
Slept reasonably well and got up around 6:30, packed up, and on the road by 7:30. Flat easy ride, much of it in the large chainring, a big change from yesterday. Many lakeside views, but otherwise not much to see. Had breakfast sandwich at Stewart's south of Plattsburg, then picked up a bike path that paralleled NY9 for a ways. The Champlain Bikeways map was wrong about this one, showing it adjacent to the lake and well away from NY9, so that was a bit confusing. Plattsburgh traffic mildly annoying, but then out of town and continued north.
Hard to find a piece of public shoreline to take a break anywhere. Finally stopped around 30 miles at a boat launch, had a snack, and rested in the shade. Then, on to Rouse's Point and a slice of pizza for lunch. The long bridge crossing was uneventful, since the shoulder was as wide as the driving lane. Arrived in Alburg, the only library option for the day, to find all but Google OK, but Google inaccessible. No email, no Blogger. So, on to North Hero State Park.
Campsites are very nice, with excellent separation. But this place is built on a swamp, and the mosquitoes are unbelievable, the worst I've ever seen, no exaggeration. So bad, in fact, that I'm reconsidering my plans. At the moment, I'm sitting at the "beach", which has several tables and a rocky shore. No bugs here. I think I'm going to have to cook and eat here tonight, since there's really no other establishment within easy reach. That means dragging everything to the beach, because the campsite itself would be an unbearable place to try and do that. Then either swim or shower, and hide in the tent for the rest of the night.
(LATER) Showered, put on long pants and long-sleeved t-shirt. Stuffed everything in the tent except the pannier that had the food and cooking stuff, and headed for the beach. Cooked a batch of Ramen noodles, real haute cuisine. Looks like big storms just north of here, hopefully moving west to east. Back in the tent by 5:30, and will probably be in for the night - not much else to do, and nowhere to go. Early to bed - tired from yesterday.
Re: that change of plans I hinted at: I'm thinking I might go out and ride Isle La Motte tomorrow, not loaded, and then pack up and head for Grande Isle SP, only about 17 miles away.
The Numbers
Distance 57.75 miles
Rolling time 4:11:46
Elapssed time 6:45
Max speed 32.5 mph
Avg speed 14.0 mph